So today is my half p day, and in only a little over 24 hours, I will be on my way to the most beautiful country on earth (in my very humble opinion).
I am honestly so excited to get going. I know that it is going to be so hard leaving, but I wouldn't have it any other way, because I want this to be a growing experience, and because it is what the Lord wants me to do.
For all of my missionary friends, I just want you to know what fantastic examples you've been to me, and how grateful I am to have gotten to know some of you so well, even if I only got to know a few of you just a few months before. You have all had a significant impact on me, and again I just want to let you know how grateful I am.
I love the Danish language, I love the beautiful country of Denmark, and most of all I love the Danish people! I cannot wait to get out there.
My MTC experience has been awesome, no doubt, but now that I'm getting so close, the only thing left to do is leave.
I hope that MY PARENTS wink wink nod nod;) will be able to hook everyone up with my mission blog that they have set up so that everyone can follow along a little bit with where I'm at, and some of the pictures and stories I have to send home. From what I hear it is pretty awesome. I don't really have access to it right now, but I'm looking forward to seeing it because I know that they've done a good job.
I love you all very much, and hope you aren't too worried about me out here, because I'm having the time of my life:) again, thank you all for being such great supports to me.
Elder Pitcher
P.S. if my parents don't send out the link, they're emails are in the mailing list of this email, so email them and get on their case until they send it:)