We didn't have a lot of people to stop by, and it seemed like I wasn't with my companion very much because we went on splits two days in a row.
My goal this week has been to be more patient with myself, so I'm thinking Heavenly Father and I know that I need the same thing and He is just providing me with the opportunity to better myself.
If nothing else, I know that I'm receiving blessings, I just wish there were more occurrences of others receiving the same kind of blessings.
While on splits with a completely new missionary in an area that I've only ever been to once before we did experience some miracles though.
In the morning we went out to contact along some beautiful coastline next to the other missioinary’s apartment, and that is where we contacted ‘S’.
‘S’ was very excited, and even told us he was on a spiritual journey of sorts. He and his wife had been having some problems, and so he took a tour of Europe, talking with missionaries in France, and now with us. He took a Book of Mormon, and plans to meet with the Elders in this area, Elder Willardson, and Elder Jewkes (Quinn's friend) today.
He was really positive, and excited to read the Book of Mormon and despite how hard the rest of that day was, just the fact that I was able to speak with that one man made the whole day worth it. Not that it isn't worth talking with all of the other people, but it was a blessing to receive probably the best contact of my mission on such a trying day with someone so new to the land.
New Years was fantastic. It was like a war zone when the fireworks started. I heard rumor that it would blow away the 4th of july, and I'm sorry to say it, but it really does.
There is not a spot on the skyline that isn't lite up with fireworks from the hours of 11 pm- 2pm. It is all out anarchy here. And I even got to watch it while laying on the ice because the members house we were at was right next to an outdoor skating rink. I felt so at home ;)
One of my New Year’s resolutions is to smile at every person on the street, and I've been successful with that so far.
I am so sorry about the pictures. I do have a lot of good ones but we are back at this library again that doesn't allow it.
I think I have finally convinced Elder Francis that this library isn't as awesome as it seems. There’s this guy that keeps coming by and getting upset with us for using the computers for something that isn't looking at books, so we should be going somewhere hopefully where I can send pics from.
That's pretty much the weekly update for now.
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