NOTE: We told Teagan about the exhibit of religious art at the BYU Art Museum - most of the paintings were on loan from Denmark.
I got to see all of those
paintings right before they left for Utah! That's a nice little
connection. All of those Carl Bloch paintings were in the Frederiksberg
Slot which is actually in Elder Ogden's old area. It's very beautiful
there. Elder Ogden has a copy of this picture up in our apartment, it is
his favorite.
Elder Ogden and I get along so
great! We have been so busy this week, I hardly had time to keep up with
my journal, so my thoughts may be a little bit more scattered this week
Basically it's been one of, if
not the most successful week of my mission. We had appointment after
appointment where the spirit was so strong. I even cried in an
appointment for the first time with ‘P’ because I told him I loved him and
wanted him to start wanting to make a change in his life. It's just hard
for him because after having his wife and children leave him he doesn't feel
like change is a good thing anymore.
People here are just content with
being content, and it's very sad to see.
That is one thing that I have
seen that I want to make a change in myself. I am tired of being content
with things the way that they are. There is always things that are going
to change, and I need to be ready to roll with them. I think this is the
biggest lesson that I have learned on my mission so far.
I'm loving this area, I'm loving
my new companion. He's already one of my best buds on the mission, and we
teach really well together. I feel like our investigators can feed off of
the relationship that we have and it helps them receive what we are trying to
I am loving my mission. I
have come to know my Savior more over these last 6 1/2 months than I have the
entire time I've had growing up.
I'll be Skyping from
an investigators house around 4pm on Sunday my time... (around 7 in
the morning your time) if that is ok. The packages haven't come yet,
but I should have them after Zone Conference this Thursday.
I should probably also mention
that one of our investigators is still holding strong to his baptismal
date. I forgot to mention that. He
already had it before I got here, but I know ‘C’ really well from church, and
we're really looking forward to his baptism on the 24th of this month. He
even asked me to give my testimony at the meeting. I love that old guy
;) First baptism! so excited. Elder Syversen actually will be
baptizing him, and Elder Ogden will confirm him :)
Love you both!