Hej Mor og Far!!
I gave a lesson in guest class this last week about the importance of the Book of Mormon.
I had people describe to me what
testimony, or a witness is. Made a list on the board of some things like
'someone who sees an event take place', etc. Talked a little bit about
what it means on the front of the Book of Mormons that we hand out where it
says 'Another TESTAMENT of Jesus Christ’ , and then had someone come up and
draw a map of the world. (That was fun to lighten everyone's mood, and test
geography) ;) Then circled the areas where the Bible and Book of Mormon
took place.
The Lord had to establish his
church on both parts of the world because we didn't have airplanes or the internet
back then. There had to be two records. Talked about the scriptures
in Matthew, and 3rd Nephi that talk about the other sheep of Christ's
fold. Lastly I talked about how the Book of Mormon is also important
because it is divine witness that Joseph Smith was a prophet, and bore
testimony. Now you have no excuse, I just gave you an entire lesson ;)
We had an awesome couple of experiences this week with finding. Helsingør for the past few weeks has really struggled with finding new people to teach, but this week, we've started making some changes with that. We went out one night with the intent of finding someone who would be willing to listen to us, and we ended up with finding 3 new potential investigators all in one area, and even had the opportunity to share a full lesson with one of the women. We're making some good progress.
We also had a crazy event take
place just last night as well. On the way home from ‘A’ and ‘S’s, we came
across a couple asking for directions. After talking with the man for a minute,
he told me that I was the person they were looking for, and that he knew it was
me because he recognized my voice. Hmmm... This was news to me.
I asked him for his name, and
after another few minutes of really racking my brain to figure out who this man
was, and after he had already shown us our number (which was a little creepy at
first) I figured it out. ‘B’. I've been trying to get an appointment set up
with this man for months.
Elder Lester in his six months
here never even had the privilege of meeting this man face to face, and here he
was. He had met with missionaries in another town in our area, and after
talking with them decided he wanted to hear more, and said he was searching for
what the 'real truth' as he put it.
He fell off the map a little bit
though when he moved here to Helsingør, and we've only had contact with him
over the phone, trying to set up a time to meet. He's been searching all over
the place, and he is really excited to learn about us. We got his address and
set up an appointment for this Wednesday! This was so exciting. It was almost
too much to take in all at one time, but we made sure to take a minute after to
stop and thank Heavenly Father for putting ‘B’, and his girlfriend ‘M’ (whom is
also interested) on our path last night. Such an incredible spirit. I'm looking
forward to Wednesday, and of course Tuesday with zone training, and of course
Saturday when ‘J’ is going to be baptized and confirmed!!
Another crazy thing that I just
remembered with ‘J’s journey towards baptism this week was that this last
weekend she actually started to have some doubts. We went over one night to try
and lighten the mood, and in the middle of our meeting she suddenly said she
was feeling completely confident again. The crazy part was that it wasn't until
later that we found out that Ældste Lester's mother had earlier that day
(around the same time we were at the Dalberg's place) taken ‘J’s name down in
the temple prayer rolls. What a wonderful confirmation to us all of the
simplicity and divinity of prayer.
We've had an incredible
week. I also got to go through the temple this week, because Elder
Millward taught a man who got baptized and was going to go do baptisms for the
dead. Elder Geslison had never been through for a session in Danish
either, so we went through together. Great experience, as it always
Love y'all, have an awesome week
Ældste Pitcher