My wife and I have seen several missionary blogs and decided that while Teagan was in the MTC and unable to start one himself that we would start it for him.
He likes the idea and we will be posting from time to time the things that he would like us to post. Perhaps, with the new way the Church is using social media he will be able to do the posts himself.
We have added his farewell talk (audio - see link on menu bar above) and his Eagle scout video which he received just before his mission (I imagine with the lowering of missionary service age to 18, that will happen a lot). In any case, we hope you'll be able to refer to this blog from time to time and see how Teagan is doing.
We love and miss him a great deal ... and he misses us, but (and I quote from his last letter after 4 weeks in the MTC - Missionary Training Center), "I haven't stopped loving the MTC yet ... I feel like I'm at an advantage ... because I know my reason and purpose for being out here and I'm confident that the Lord will take care of the rest after my willingness and love for the Danish people."
Well ... that says it all ...