Hey Ma and Pa!
Glad to hear that you all didn't get electrocuted in a
storm :) Sounds like a pretty crazy experience. I really love each
week getting to see the photos that you send. I've never been much of a
reader, so when I get to SEE how everyone is doing, that makes it a bit
more fun for me. :) I am not going to turn this into a distraction,
but since you two are no longer coming to get me, I'd like to know what souvenirs
I should start looking for in advance to bring home for family? Let
me know and I'll keep an eye out.
This week Elder Higby and I finally reaped the blessings of
having our first really progressing investigator in months. 'L' is the woman
that Elder West and I found on splits. She has been reading, and asking
questions, and really trying to find out the truth of what we are telling her.
She recognizes the spirit so easily in her life, I don't think it will be too
much longer in her progression before she gains a witness of the things we are
telling her are true. We have an appointment with her again tomorrow, so
we'll see how that goes.
Last photo with Pres. Sederholm |
This week has been filled with finding. We've spent hours looking for new
friends to tell about the gospel. We've had good success finding potentially
interested friends, hopefully that will translate into investigating friends
this week. We actually met and started teaching a Chinese girl this week that
seemed fairly promising, and even talked about having us lead an English
class (which I love doing) for her and some of her other Chinese friends.....
fast forward a few days later and I find myself at zone conference up
in Aarhus asking a sister missionary in our mission, Sister
Mann, to teach me some Chinese phrases, because she's actually fluent. No
sooner does she hand me a paper with some Things to practice on it
than we get a text from 'X' saying her mother is Buddhist and
doesn't approve of us meeting with her... Bummer.
Last photo with Sister Sederholm |
A good experience though is while out walking around
Elder Higby and myself came across a man from Africa that didn't speak very
much English or Danish, but seemed interested in the church, and said he spoke
French. Remembering that we had a French copy of the Book of Mormon back at our
apartment we asked him to wait for 2 minutes while we ran to grab it. That was
a quick 100 meter dash back to our apartment. It led to an address and a phone
number of a new friend that we'll be going by to teach this week, so it was
worth it :)
I love you both lots and lots! Pictures to come!
Ældste Pitcher