Wow, what a week. We just got transfer calls, and I'm
staying with Elder Lester!! I must say I feel like it's exactly what I needed
personally from this upcoming transfer. There are a few things to come in the
next few weeks that I honestly feel like only Elder Lester can do. I'm really
looking forward to spending another transfer with him, and to having one of my
absolute favorite missionaries, Elder Enniss, as my new district leader. He's a
true friend to me, and I've already learned so much from him. This is going to
be a great transfer.
There were some great appointments this week, also some sad
ones, but we feel good about the outcome as a whole. ‘S’, a recently
reactivated member of our ward is still working hard towards his temple goal
with his wife, and hasn't smoked at all this week! Elder Wawro and I, during
splits on Tuesday evening, got the chance to teach ‘S' daughter ‘N’ for the
first time. It went really well, and ‘S’ told us today she would like to come
to church sometime with him. We just need to find a Sunday when she won't be
with her mom.
Elder Lester and I have also been working a lot on our
finding techniques, and have increased our courage putting faith in Christ to
find. It's been great to see how many more people have been open to talking
with us, even if we didn't reach our goal for new investigators this week. I'm
still loving it here in Helsingør, and I had a good week.

Some other fun stuff. When I was on splits with Elder Wawro
(Zone leader) we had a cat come into our apartment from the roof top, so
we got some pictures with it ;) That was fun. Elder Lester and I
cut down a Christmas tree, I'll try and get some pics sent by next week
;) ‘V’ also made us some handmade stockings with her nicknames for us on
there, and a Christmas countdown calendar which is huge here, with tons of
gifts. I love that family.
I found a bicycle that I'm fixing up, and thinking about
selling my old one since I've had so many problems with the small tires and
them going flat :P It's great for city life, but not a good
everyday-missionary-use-back-trails kind of bike. We'll see.
We had the turkey bowl this week for our zone activity, and
it was such a blast. Playing football with these missionaries is honestly
one of my favorite memories of zone things, and this one just added to
The talents that were shared were also awesome. A few
REALLY funny skits that should be posted up on the mission blog. One of
Elder Warwo (the missionary I was on splits with) doing a 'polish-mexican folk
dance' and also one of Elder Jewkes and Elder Wright and Elder Hafen, and Elder
Wright's trainee Elder Carroll all doing a sing/dance along to an efy
song. My face hurt so much from laughing.
I was trying to prepare a skit, but we ran out of time, and
were a little busy. Still a lot of fun though. My face hurt so much
from laughing :)
We had stake conference just recently, and I got to see the
Jepsens, and Amy Wood! It was awesome to see some old friends from the
Frederiksberg ward, and especially to see a friend from back home, and to speak
Danish with her.... That was weird haha!
We had to take off early from
the zone activity to get to our appointments, so Elder Warwo and I were not in
the pictures :( I was way bummed about that.
‘V’ had some really tough
family struggles come up the past few days, and she's pushed back her stop
smoking day until there is a little bit more peace at home... It's tough, but I
understand where she is coming from.
President said it’s fine that
I practice, but it isn't practical to carry a drum around with me (obviously)
so I just need to be ready if the opportunity presents itself, then I can let
him know and we can try and set something up with Elder Gudmundson and I.
It's not super likely, but I'd like to be ready in any case :)
There has been a real focus
in our mission on finding people to teach. I've been trying to enhance a
few certain talents more and more. Some like the crafts and knitting
things, but also using my personality more to reach people just like Dad talked
about. I actually set a new years goal this last year of enhancing/making
new talents, and it's really helped in my missionary work. I felt like it
was a bit of personal inspiration.
Please keep the ‘D’ Family in
your prayers. They have been going through some rough stuff over the past
few days, and they need the extra prayers.
I love you both!
Ældste Pitcher